【Title】An Introduction about Humboldt Foundation from Germany
Time: 19:00-21:00
pm, Jun. 3rd, 2017
Location: NEW MSE
Building, No. 03 Meeting Room
Invited Speaker:Dr. Volker L. Deringer
Dr. Volker Deringer is a Humboldt Scholar at University of Cambridge, UK, and has recently
been awarded with a prestigious Early Career Fellowship and will work as a Principle
Investigator at University of Cambridge soon. Dr. Deringer has studied
theoretical physics and chemistry of solids at RWTH Aachen University, Germany,
during 2011-2014. In 2014, he obtained his doctoral degree with distinction. Dr. Deringer did a one-year postdoctoral research
in Aachen, and obtained the support by the Humboldt
foundation to carry out research work at University of Cambridge.
Graduate students and faculty members are highly
welcome to attend the upcoming seminar, and get an overview on how to apply for
the prestigious Humboldt Fellowship.
时间:2017年6月3号 晚19:00-21:00
邀请报告人:Volker L. Deringer
Deringer博士于2011年-2014年在德国亚琛工业大学学习固体物理化学理论,于2014年获得博士学位,并得到德国博士学位最高荣誉Summa Cum Laude。随后,Volker博士在亚琛工业大学Richard
Dronskowski教授及Matthias Wuttig课题组进行博士后进修,并于2015年获得洪堡基金的资助于英国剑桥大学从事研究员工作。Volker 博士已获得Early Career Fellowship并被剑桥大学聘任为独立研究员将于2017年后半年正式开展工作。Volker博士不仅仅学术成就极高,对洪堡基金更是具有非常全面的了解!