Professor Hamish L. Fraser is a leading international expert in the field of physical metallurgy and electronic microscopy. He has worked extensively on advanced electronic microtechnology and its applications, advanced metal materials processing technology, and integrated computing materials science and engineering. He was invited to participate in ZHOU HUIJIU FORUM in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. Many professors and students have attended his presentation entitled ‘The role of structural instabilities on Microstructure evolution in Titanium Alloys’ on October 19th, 2017.
Certificate was awarded by Prof. Jun Sun
Professor Hamish L. Fraser used humorous language and vivid examples in his talk to explain what are the factors influencing α nucleation from β in Ti alloys? This talk discussed about three different size scales of alpha microstructure, termed refined alpha, more-refined alpha and super-refined alpha microstructures, have been characterized in the same metastable beta Ti alloy, Ti-5553. These various distributions have been produced by exploiting the influences of compositional and/or structural instabilities on the transformation, using various non-conventional transformation pathways. At the end of the lecture, there was a big discussion between the audiences and rises different questions to the presenter. The audiences participated in the discussions actively.
Prof. Hamish L. Fraser was giving lecture to the teachers and students
Professor Hamish L. Fraser has got his PhD in Physical Metallurgy from the University of Birmingham, UK in 1972. Since 1989, he has been a professor of materials science and engineering at Ohio State University and director of the Center for Accelerated Maturation of Ohio State University. He was a Senior Fellow at the United States Joint Technology Research Center, a senior Humboldt Visiting Scholar at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and a visiting professor at the University of Cambridge and the University of Liverpool.
Professor Hamish L. Fraser is a leading international expert in the field of physical metallurgy and electronic microscopy. He has worked extensively on advanced electronic microtechnology and its applications, advanced metal materials processing technology, and integrated computing materials science and engineering. He is a member of different international Associations and research departments. He has published more than 400 academic papers in international journals, and has been invited to report more than 300 times in international conferences and visits, and has trained more than 50 doctoral students and more than 30 postgraduates.